「蒼空の下の市場 BOOTH店」「蒼空の下の市場 バーチャルマーケットβ店(開店準備中/4月上旬にアイテムを販売開始します。)」における各アイテムの利用規約を、バーチャルアイテム向けの新しい利用規約フォーマットである「Uni-Virtual License」に準拠させていただきます。
利用規約を改定する目的は、「各アイテムごとにバラバラだった利用規約を一元化すること」「Uni-Virtual Licenseという共通ライセンスを用いることによって、説明を簡素化し英文の利用規約も作ること」「統一された利用規約フォーマットを用いることで、ユーザー側にもよりわかりやすい利用規約に設定すること」です。
こちらに示してある「Uni-Virtual License」の規約の適用は、「2020年4月18日以降(土曜日)」に適用させていただきます。
“Aozoranosita no shijo BOOTH Store(蒼空の下の市場 BOOTH店)”, “Aozoranosita no shijo Virtual Market β (蒼空の下の市場 バーチャルマーケットβ店)(Preparing to open, items will be available in early April)”. The terms and conditions of use for each item on this site will be based on the Uni-Virtual License, a new format of terms and conditions for virtual items.
The purpose of revising the Terms of Use is to unify the disparate Terms of Use for each item, to simplify explanations and create English-language Terms of Use by using a common license called the Uni-Virtual License, and to make the Terms of Use easier to understand for users by using a unified format.
The Uni-Virtual License terms and conditions shown here will be applied on or after April 18, 2020 (Saturday).
As of March 29th, we are in the process of replacing the terms of use for each item, and we plan to finish replacing the terms of use for the items in BOOTH by April 18th (Saturday). (*Except for items with CC0 license)
If other licenses (such as CC0 license) are not indicated on the item purchase screen or attached file, please use the terms of use shown here.
Uni-Virtual License
基本的にUV Licenseに従ってください。
UV Licenseの「本著作権者の権利を阻害する行為の禁止」は、主に次のようなことを示します。
・VRoid Hub上で「他の人の利用」を「YES」に設定すること
・THE SEED ONLINE上で「公開」「限定公開」に設定すること
English ver.
Uni-Virtual License
【Terms of Use】
This model is released under UV license.
This model allows the following actions based on Individual terms in addition to the Basic Terms.
・Personal Commercial Use
・Corporate Commercial Use
・Distribution of Derivative Works
・Diversion of Model Data
・For Adults, Sexual Expressions Use
・For Adults, Violence Expressions Use
This data has the following special notes.
◆ Supplement to about R-18, R-18G, NFSW
Follow the rules for each platform.
Please take care not to show the contents including “R-18, R-18G, NSFW” to minors.
◆ Supplement to about commercial use
Please basically according to the UV License.
However, please do not use it as shown below.
・Use of exaggerated expressions and content that induces misunderstanding
◆Supplement to Article 4 of the basic clause
“Prohibition of Acts that Inhibit the Rights of the Copyright Holder”on the UV License ,indicates the following.
(Not limited to this, please refrain from acts that Inhibit the Rights of the Copyright Holder.)
・Set your avatar or world to “Public” on VRChat
・on VRoid Hub, set “Can this model data be used by others?” to “YES”.
・Make settings so that other users can use this item on THE SEED Online
For the full text of the rules, please refer to the following URL.