Table of Contents
※この記事は、VRoid Studioユーザーである佐久間蒼乃(SakumaAono)が個人的に制作したものです。
ピクシブ株式会社による公認や協賛を受けて制作しているものではではありません。 「VRoid」は日本およびその他の地域でのピクシブ株式会社の商標または登録商標です。
*This article is personally produced by SakumaAono (SakumaAono), a VRoid Studio user.
This work is not authorized or sponsored by Pixiv inc.. VRoid” is a trademark or registered trademark of Pixiv inc. in Japan and other regions.
I made a simple list of questions.
質問集/Question collection
- Q1
- 作者さんから正式版に対して、どう対応するか声明はありましたか? Has there been any statement from the author on how they will respond to the stable version?
日英対照表の使い方/How to use the Japanese-English contrast chart
今まではスプレッドシートをBOOTHで配布していたのですが、正式版UIで変更点が多くVRoid Studioも暫く更新頻度が高そうなので、暫くの間Googleスプレッドシートのページを直接共有致します。(ソフトが更新されてもすぐに修正に対応できるようにする為)
We have been distributing the spreadsheet on BOOTH, but since there are many changes in the official version UI and VRoid Studio seems to be updated frequently for a while, we will share the Google Spreadsheet page directly for a while. (In order to be able to respond to the modifications as soon as the software is updated.)
Once the frequency of software updates has settled down to a certain extent, I will put the spreadsheet data on BOOTH as well.
Googleスプレッドシートの場所/Location of the Google spreadsheet
Googleスプレッドシートの場所はこちらです/Here is the location of the Google spreadsheet
このスプレッドシートの目的/The purpose of this spreadsheet
このスプレッドシートは、VRoid Studioにおける衣装パーツのパラメータの記載を少し楽にしたいと言う目的で作られました。
またVRoid Studio v1.0.0以降においては、一部UIに変更が入っているため「パーツ名やパラメータ名の読み替え」をする目的でも作られています。
- ・日本語版と英語版のパラメータ名が一緒に記載されている
- ・任意のパーツの場所に飛べる
- ・「値/Value」の列のセルに、デフォルト以外の値を入れたら色がつくのでわかりやすい
- ・値を転記したら、Google ドキュメントやWord、メモ帳などにセルの値をコピーすれば、日英両対応したパラメータ表の完成!
This spreadsheet was created to make the description of parameters of costume parts in VRoid Studio a little easier.
This spreadsheet is also designed to replace the part names and parameter names in VRoid Studio v1.0.0 or later, because some changes have been made to the UI.
(There are many changes in the UI, especially in the English version…)
The features of this spreadsheet are
- ・Japanese and English parameter names are listed together.
- ・You can jump to the location of any part.
- ・If you put a non-default value in a cell of the “Value” column, it will be colored, so it is easy to understand.
- ・After posting the values, copy the cell values to Google Docs, Word, Notepad, etc., and you have a parameter table that supports both Japanese and English!
実際の使い方/Actual usage
In the bottom tab,select the genre of the item you want to use.

2.Find the part name of the item you want to use in the spreadsheet. The four columns on the left are for the stable version, and the four columns on the right are for the beta version. (I’ve tried to keep the rows the same for the stable version and the beta version, but this is not the case for newly added items.)

The areas tinted in Yellow indicate “changes made to the Japanese or English UI” and “newly added parts/parameters”. In other words, these are items that have changed since the beta!
- ・「ワンピース」は衣装で着替えますが、正式版では「トップス」の項目ではなく新たに追加された「ワンピース」で追加して着替えます。
- ・「足先の形」については、正式版において廃止された項目です。正式版では着用した靴や靴下によって、自動的に足の角度やつま先の形状が変更されるようになりました。いちいち靴によって替えなくて済むので、とっても楽になりました!
By the way, there are some significant changes from the beta version regarding “one piece” and “toe shape”.
- ・The “dress” will be changed in the ”Outfit”, but in the official version, it will be added and changed in the newly added “Dresses” instead of the “Tops” item.
- The “shape of the toes” is an item that has been discontinued in the official version. In the official version, the angle of the foot and the shape of the toes are automatically changed depending on the shoes or socks worn. It’s so much easier now that you don’t have to change every single shoe!
正式版とベータ版で読み替えを行いたい人は表で見比べて、それぞれVRoid Studioでパラメータの入力や型紙の着用を行ってください。見るだけならここで終了ですが、次の項でもう一つおまけ機能があります。
If you want to change the reading between the official version and the beta version, please compare them in the table and input the parameters and wear the stencils in VRoid Studio respectively. If you just want to look at it, you are done here, but there is one more extra feature in the next section.
【ショップオーナー向けオマケ機能】デフォルト値と違うパラメータのセルの色を変更する機能/[A bonus feature for store owners] The ability to change the color of cells with parameters different from the default value
VRoid Studioで服を配布する際にパラメータ名を指定するかと思いますが、その際に「日本語/英語のUIをいちいち切り替えてスクリーンショット撮ったりメモするのが面倒…」ということがありますよね?パラメータが多い型紙だと項目が多く、購入者側も変更するべきパラメータ名が分かりづらい問題もあります。
その際にこのスプレッドシートへVRoid Studio上で変更すべき値だけ入力しておけば、変更した場所だけセルの色が変わります。あとはセルをコピーしてGoogleドキュメント等に貼れば、日英対応したパラメータ表の出来上がりです。
When you distribute clothes with VRoid Studio, you may have to specify the parameter names. However, sometimes it is troublesome to switch the UI between Japanese and English and take screenshots or write down the names. In the case of a pattern with many parameters, there are a lot of items and it is difficult for the buyer to understand the parameter name to be changed.
If you enter only the values that should be changed on VRoid Studio into this spreadsheet, the color of the cells will change only where the values are changed. After that, copy the cells and paste them into Google Docs, etc., and you will have a parameter table that supports Japanese and English.
You cannot edit the spreadsheet as it is because you have “Viewer” privileges on the public spreadsheet. Please download the spreadsheet data to your own computer and open it in Google Spreadsheet or Excel.

Open the downloaded .xslx file in Google Docs, Excel, etc. and find the cells of the outfit you want to distribute.
Place the value in the cell of the item that should be changed.

After that, copy the cells and paste them into Google Docs, etc., and you will have a parameter table that supports Japanese and English.